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Steps are the Mimosa equivalent to functions in other languages, they are elementary units of computation (specificially, they do not have any notion of time):

step add (a, b) --> c
    c = a + b;

A step definition starts with the keyword step, followed by the name of the step (which must start with a lowercase letter), followed by the inputs and outputs separated by the --> keyword.

Following the signature is the body of the step definition, which is a collection of equations. Intermediate variables may be defined:

    tmp = a + b;
    c = tmp;

and the order of equations is not important, so it could equivalently be written as

    c = tmp;
    tmp = a + b;

The compiler will automatically order the equations according to their dependencies, cyclic dependencies lead to a compile-time error.

In the example above, we did not use any type annotations. If prefered, they can be added explicitly:

step add (a : int, b : int) --> (c : int)
    c = a + b;


Patterns appear at multiple places in a Mimosa program. They define the input and output of each step, and are also used as the left-hand side of equations.

The basic pattern is a just a variable pattern, to which a sequence of values can be bound. Nested patterns are provided by tuple patterns.


x = 1;
z, y = 2, 3;



There are four different families of constants available in Mimosa:

  • Unit: ()
  • Integer: 1, -3, ...
  • Float: 1.4, 0.6, ...
  • Boolean: true, false


Expression can refer to other named expression by just using the name:

x = ...;
y = x;


Tuples are build inductively by using , on subexpressions:

1, x, 5.0

Arithematic, logic, and comparison operators

Mimosa offers the standard set of arithmetic and logic operators, which are commong in other programming languages as well. Similar to OCaml, certain operators exist in two flavours, one for integers, and one for floats:

  • +, -, *, /: integer arithmetic
  • +., -., *., /.: floating point arithmetic

  • &&: and

  • ||: or
  • =>: implies
  • !: not

  • <, <=, >=, >: integer comparison

  • <., <=., >=., >.: floating point comparison

  • ==, !=: polymorphic comparison

The following table lists the precedence level of all operators classes from the lowest to the highest precedence.

Operator Associativity
=> left
|| left
&& left
< <= >= > <. <=. >=. >. == != left
! right
+ - +. -. left
* / *. /. left
? - -. (unary negate) right

Memory operators

As each expression semantically representes a (possible inifinite) sequence of values, there are special operators which allow to shift these sequences, thereby allowing to define memory.

The pre operator allows to refer to the previous values of a sequence. This introduces an undefined value at the first cycle, which can be removed by using the initialization operator -> operator:

x = 0 -> pre y

Similarly to -> the fby operator also allows to prepend a sequence by an initial element, however, it does not evaluate the second argument.

Assuming the variable x represents the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., then 0 -> x representes 0, 2, 3, 4, ... while 0 fby x represents 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ....

Both -> and fby are right associative, and have a lower precedence than any of the arithmetic, logic, and comparison operators. pre is right associative and has the highest precedence of any operator in Mimosa.

Step Application

A step can be used inside another step through a step application:

step add (a, b) --> c
    c = a + b;

step add2 x --> y
    y = add (x, 2);

The order of step definitions in a file is irrelevant, the compiler will order them according to their dependencies. Steps cannot call themselves recursively, and cyclic dependencies between steps are flagged as an error by the compiler.


The if ... then ... else ... construct can be used to express conditional execution. Different to Lustre, in Mimosa only one branch is evaluated in each cycle.


Optional expressions can be formed through the type constructors None and Some:

x = None;
y = Some 2;

Optionals can be deconstructed through an either ... or ... expression. This expression tries to evaluate the first sub-expression to Some v and then return v, otherwise (in case the first expression is None), evaluate the second expression.

So, for example, either (Some 2) else 3 evaluates to 2, while either None else 3 evaluates to 3.